When you’re in the process of making bread, proofing is the final rise before it’s baked. If the dough isn’t allowed to proof, the yeast can’t release carbon dioxide, and the gluten won’t stretch. Just like bread, proofing copy is an essential stage that provides consistency and elevation. If copywriting hasn’t gone through the proofing...Continue reading
The Last Piece of the Puzzle: Bridget McCann
Presenting in front of an audience can be a daunting experience for the best of us. Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is the most common phobia in the world ahead of creepy crawlies, vertiginous heights, and even death. While some of us would sooner die than deliver a presentation at work, we have a...Continue reading
We’re merging with Cognition Coaching!
This month, we’re celebrating (a lot!). Not only are we turning six, but we’re merging with Cognition Coaching. In other words, a psychometric colour profiling and leadership specialist with over seven years of experience in the learning and development industry. Sounds impressive, right?! In fact, we have been an associate of Cognition Coaching for many...Continue reading
Weird, Wild & Wonderful Team Events
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to teamwork. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy to make a mess of your team event. Bonding activities can range from downright weird to inherently wonderful. Managers with a wild side (or Hunger Games fascination) can easily take their team-building exercise a bit too far… and we have proof!...Continue reading
How to Effectively Communicate Change
Change is inevitable, whether it’s an annual shift in seasons or a sudden company restructure, it’s embedded in day-to-day life. While, unfortunately, we cannot control the climate, we can control the implementation of organisational change. This means that you might be encouraging a technology-driven workforce, re-engineering a process to ensure regulatory compliance, or following...Continue reading
Three comms trends that will shape 2022
Do customers yearn for the convenience of informal conversation? Can you help people combat FOMO while increasing visibility? Do people trust strangers more than brands? Let’s investigate top trends to watch out for this year. 1. Conversational marketing Hey, you. While chatbots were so last year, we should now be looking beyond automation and...Continue reading
Nosey by Nature
Why? Why? Why? A question that is both popular with children and communications professionals. At CoCo, we will never grow old of asking our clients ‘why?’, you could say we have the enthusiasm and energy of an inquisitive toddler! We are nosey by nature, and the ability to sniff out stories is a skill we’re...Continue reading
Tip Top Start-Up Communication Tips
Plush scented candles, creative canvass bags and sourdough bread alike – there has been an array of inspiring creators turning their hobbies into a side hustle during this uncertain period. Supporting small businesses has never been more crucial; we have shared some of our tip-top tips to help your start-up communicate with confidence. Be the...Continue reading
Take a Break
As Aberdeen enters lockdown 2.0, I have started to question if we are living through Groundhog Day? Every new day feels as if it has been copied and pasted from the day before. I wake up, get ready and commute through to my spare bedroom for what feels like my 1000th trip on the ‘corona-coaster’....Continue reading
Hi, I’m Lynsey and I have an eagle eye
With eight years of communications experience and a creative writing master’s degree, I love nothing more than writing, proofreading and editing content. I have an eye for detail and can spot double spaces and unnecessary commas a mile off. I have supported Commsbank with freelance writing and editing since its inception and enjoy helping businesses...Continue reading