I recently attended a training session with LinkedIn guru Stacy Edghill. Not only was this a great opportunity to meet other local businesses, it also provided practical LinkedIn tips and tricks! I check into LinkedIn regularly, and signed up for the event to give me the reassurance that I was spending my time on the...Continue reading
Choose self-compassion not self-criticism
I’m not a very kind person. Don’t worry, if we ever meet, I’ll be a little ray of sunshine to encourage, support and motivate you, but recently I’ve been asking myself why this rainbow doesn’t extend to me and I find myself under a dark cloud. I’m not talking about depression or anxiety, just...Continue reading
What is the second curve, and why does it matter?
Late last year I met Jo Macsween, the famous haggis pioneer and now chairs a Vistage peer advisory group for business owners and CEOS in Central Scotland. As a new business owner, Jo’s decades of experience is invaluable to me. She has a canny knack of knowing when to introduce change to her business, and...Continue reading
Do I explore the cave, or continue my journey?
Do I explore the cave, or continue my journey? Explore the cave. Continue to page 92. This is how I spent my childhood. Adventure books that provided a choice to make on your journey, but always ending on the same page at the end of the book. My kids enjoy the modern version of...Continue reading
Spit it out
Ideas don’t exist if you don’t attach words to them. When you begin to put your ideas into words, you take the first step toward turning them into something meaningful and provoking change. Just the act of staying the words out loud can make a difference. Ideas don’t exist in the brain until...Continue reading
Hi, I’m Will and I design stuff
I provide a complete, coherent and creative design service to Commsbank clients from graphics, web design and marketing. LinkedIn
Hi, I’m Karen
I’m the chief communicator and founder of Commsbank. Values are important to me. Being caring, curious and competent, means that I sincerely want to know more. I love to ask the questions to find out more about your story, then share it with the people who matter in The Bank, and through self/team development in...Continue reading
What is DISC?
DISC Psychometric Profiling is non-judgmental and helps individuals recognise and discuss their behavioural differences. DISC is widely used as a personal assessment and awareness tool to improve work productivity, communication and teamwork. The DISC Profile identifies the individual’s key strengths and development areas, as well as the goals and fears that typically motivate the individual...Continue reading
What is EQi 2.0?
EQ-i 2.0 is the world’s leading measure of emotional intelligence. The Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i 2.0) applies decades of research to support effective human performance and development, through understanding more about the role emotional intelligence takes in our personal and professional life. This Level B Psychometric assessment is based on the research of Dr. Reuven...Continue reading
What is PCS?
PCS is a performance improvement tool designed to help individuals and corporations monitor team climate and leadership to maximise performance. Unique in what it measures, how it works and how it adds value the Performance Climate System evaluates the critical elements of climate and leadership that are the true drivers of team performance. PCS Pro...Continue reading