Once upon a time, in a land of endless opportunities, there lived a young traveller named Alex. Alex, embarking on a journey of self-improvement, sought the wisdom of a sage coach to guide them. In the heart of the kingdom, Alex met various coaches, each with their unique charm and wisdom. But Alex knew that...Continue reading
Category: just for fun
a bit of fun for when life gets a bit serious
Can TikTok help businesses connect with their customers and grow?
While the CoCo team wouldn’t say no to a Y2K-esque rendition of Britney’s early moves, we’re not sold on the idea of this being utilised as a B2B marketing tactic. Or are we? TikTok is quickly becoming the world’s most utilised social media platform, with over 1 billion active users worldwide. Originally known for acting...Continue reading
Weird, Wild & Wonderful Team Events
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to teamwork. In fact, it’s surprisingly easy to make a mess of your team event. Bonding activities can range from downright weird to inherently wonderful. Managers with a wild side (or Hunger Games fascination) can easily take their team-building exercise a bit too far… and we have proof!...Continue reading
Nosey by Nature
Why? Why? Why? A question that is both popular with children and communications professionals. At CoCo, we will never grow old of asking our clients ‘why?’, you could say we have the enthusiasm and energy of an inquisitive toddler! We are nosey by nature, and the ability to sniff out stories is a skill we’re...Continue reading
Do you learn from your mistakes?
It appears that I sometimes do not. This tiny wee icon, hidden in the array of numbers and dials on my car’s dashboard asks an important question. Is your key in the car? This is a useful feature if you notice it when you leave your home in Aberdeenshire, not so useful when you arrive...Continue reading
Well played Andy
Yesterday you confirmed your intention to retire from professional tennis. You had many defining moments, from winning your first grand slam at the US open to being crowned Wimbledon champion. You’ve changed the public’s perception of being a grumpy Scotsman, to be a dedicated family man, and you’ve even received a knighthood from the Queen. At...Continue reading